Tech Fest

Sree Buddha College of Engineering for Women, Elavumthitta conducted its first technical fest Ekathra 13 on 04/04/2013 and 05/04/2013.The event presided by Dr. E Gopalakrishna Sarma ,Principal  of SBCEW, was inaugurated by Chief Guest Prof.P.O.J Lebba,General Secretary MES. It was followed by the message of Prof. V. Sasikumar,chairman of Sree Buddha foundation.Mr.G Venugopal,executive committee member and Mr.Yatheesh,Treasurer of SreeBuddha foundation felicitated the event.

              Various technical and cultural programmers were conducted by our students.Students from other colleges also participated in the event.The   Tech Fest was really enjoyable and it was a grand success.

               Thanks to the immense cooperation of the management, members of the staff and students. Ekathra 13 was written in golden letters in the history of the college.

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